
《Ten little nigger boys went out to dine 》(十個小黑人)

Ten little nigger boys went out to dine;(十個小黑人外出吃飯,)
One choked his little self, and then there were nine.(一個噎死還剩下九個。)
Nine little nigger boys sat up very late;(九個小黑人熬夜到很晚,)
One overslept himself, and then there were eight.(一個睡過頭還剩下八個。)
Eight little nigger boys traveling in Devon;(八個小黑人到德文遊玩,)
One said he'd stay there, and then there were seven.(一個說要留下還剩下七個。)
Seven little nigger boys chopping up sticks;(七個小黑人砍棍子,)
One chopped himself in half, and then there were six.(一個把自己砍成兩半還剩下六個。)
Six little nigger boys playing with a hive;(六個小黑人玩蜂窩,)
A bumble-bee stung one, and then there were five.(一隻黃蜂盯住一個還剩五個。)
Five little nigger boys going in for law;(五個小黑人進了法院,)
One got in chancery, and then there were four.(一個被留下還剩下四個。)
Four little nigger boys going out to sea;(四個小黑人到海邊,)
A red herring swallowed one, and then there were three.(一條紅色的鯡魚吞下還剩下三個。)
Three little nigger boys walking in the Zoo;(三個小黑人走進動物園裡,)
A big bear bugged one, and then there were two.(一隻大熊抓走一個還剩下兩個。
Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun;(兩個小黑人坐在太陽下,)
One got frizzled up, and then there was one.(一個熱死只剩下一個。)
One little nigger boy living all alone;(一個小黑人覺得好寂寞,)
He got married, and then there were none.(他上吊後一個也不剩。)



  此首童謠十個小黑人(Ten little nigger boys went out to dine)是鵝媽媽童謠中非常著名的一首,內容看似相當荒唐,但也十分有趣,可是這首童謠的最後一句「He went and hanged himself ,and then there were none.」可能因不適合兒童,所以時常改成「He got married,and then there were none.」(他結婚後一個也不剩)。
  而「nigger」是個非常不禮貌的字眼,具有嚴重的種族歧視意味,以中文解釋就是「黑鬼」的意思。後改為Ten Little Indians,於是有了另一首童謠《十個小印第安人》。

《Ten little indian boys》 (十個小印第安人)

One little, two little, three little Indians.(一個,兩個,三個印地安小孩)
Four little, five little, six little Indians.(四個,五個,六個印地安小孩)
Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians.(七個,八個,九個印地安小孩)
Ten little Indians boys.(十個印地安小男孩)
Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians.(十個,九個,八個印地安小孩)
Seven little, six little, five little Indians,(七個,六個,五個印地安小孩)
Four little , three little, two little Indians,(四個,三個,兩個印地安小孩)
One little Indian boy.(一個印地安小男孩)





無名氏(Gumnaam):1965年Raja Nawathe導演的電影,印度公司出品,印地語。
《  一個都不留:是該書的第一個彩色英文改編電影,由彼特·克林遜於1974年導演。法國、義大利、Oceania Produzioni Internazionali Cinematografiche、德國、西班牙公司聯合出品,(各國版本不同)。
一個都不留:這是一部1987年蘇聯的電影,由Stanislav Govorukhin編寫並導演,是唯一一個使用小說原有結局的改編電影。蘇聯公司出品,俄語。
十個小印第安人:1989年艾倫·伯金肖導演。英國Breton Film Productions和Pathe Communications聯合出品。
一個都不留(Suspicions):1995年美國電影,由Michael Sperrazza導演。
無人生還:電視迷你劇 2015 聖誕節迷你影集(BBC拍攝)。




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